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Find Free PD at the Friday Institute
posted by: Melissa | January 14, 2016, 06:03 pm   


MOOCs have been a way for teachers to sharpen and hone their skills for several years now. Despite their popularity, anyone who has wandered into the world of online education can tell you that not all courses are created equal.  Some online courses, just like some in-person workshops, rely too much on videos or lecture.  Perhaps they have the learner go through a series of slides without ever really digging deep into the knowledge in question.  So when a good course comes along, it makes sense to make sure that AAE members know about it.


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Reform Matters: January 11, 2016
posted by: Alix | January 11, 2016, 05:19 pm   
A Publication of the Association of American Educators
Volume 4, Issue 10: January 11, 2016


BREAKING: Today has been a big day for educators nationwide. Oral arguments in the Friedrichs  vs. CTA et. al. U.S. Supreme Court case were heard today to decide whether or not compulsory union fees infringe on a teacher's freedom of speech rights. The decision, expected this spring, could potentially end the practice of forced unionism for educators nationwide. Click here to read the legal transcripts fresh from the court room.


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The High Court takes on Teacher Freedom: A Global Advance for Education
posted by: Alana | January 11, 2016, 04:29 pm   

By Jeanne Allen


Labor unions have emerged in the past 40 years as one of the biggest power brokers on all social policy issues concerning the education of our youth. While their involvement was once intricately linked to teacher professionalism and school success, today they are locked in a mindset that is focused almost entirely on protecting collective bargaining rights and ensuring that tenure, seniority and uniform pay scales dictate who gets paid what, and who stays and goes in the classroom. Indeed, these issues are at the heart of the imminent oral arguments taking place at the U.S. Supreme Court this Monday, January 11 at 10 am. In Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association et al., ten public school teachers are asking the High Court to strike down Abood v. Detroit Board of Education, a 1977 case that sanctioned agency shop rules that permit unions to dock a teacher's pay regardless of whether they want to be a member of a union and represented in union activities. Laws in 23 states require workers who decline to join a union to pay fees anyway. These and other teachers around the country believe that this legal structure is anathema to teacher freedom and a violation of First Amendment rights.


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Friedrichs vs. CTA: The Latest
posted by: Alana | January 07, 2016, 03:47 pm   


Wondering what the latest is on the Friedrichs case? Bookmark this page for the best resources and latest updates on the case!

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Nail Polish and Baseball Bats
posted by: Guest contributor | January 07, 2016, 01:38 pm   

By Diana Black Kennedy


Student choice is a powerful motivator and tool.  Today, Diana Kennedy explains how student choice can enhance student literacy in a piece originally published in Language Magazine, where she explains her technique of “Googling for content.”

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