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Reform Matters: October 13, 2016
posted by: Alana | October 14, 2016, 12:18 pm   

This Saturday, the NAACP Board of Directors is meeting to vote on a resolution proposing a moratorium on new public charter schools. The proposed resolution would ultimately reduce educational opportunities for African-American students, many of whom come from low-income families.

The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools is requesting charter school advocates call the NAACP and let them know that these schools are working for African-American students in our country. Call (202) 759-6227 now to be connected to the NAACP.

For many urban families, charter schools are making it possible to do what affluent families have long been able to do: send their child to a successful school.
We need to act now to protect charter schools! Call (202) 759-6227 and ask the NAACP to vote against a moratorium on charter schools!

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Department of Education Releases Teacher Prep Regulations
posted by: Alana | October 13, 2016, 02:13 pm   

As former U.S. Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan claimed "the system we have for training teachers lacks rigor, is out of step with the times, and is given to extreme grade inflation that leaves teachers unprepared and their future students at risk."

That's why, before he stepped down, Duncan set out to overhaul teacher preparation regulations.

This week, the USDE released new teacher preparation regulations that have generated a lot of buzz in teachers' lounges from coast to coast.

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My Day: Virtual School Teacher Amy Rosno
posted by: Alana | October 07, 2016, 11:06 am   

After teaching in a traditional brick and mortar 6:00 a.m. The commute school for ten years, I was offered the opportunity to teach for a virtual high school my school district was starting. I was thrilled at the opportunity as I always had a love for technology. Twelve years after accepting the position, I am still a virtual teacher and would struggle to go back to a traditional classroom.


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Member Perspective: Bigger & Better
posted by: Alana | October 05, 2016, 04:43 pm   

As I gear up to start a new job and a new school year, my mom came to help me. Mid-August is not only my busiest time of year, but also my husband’s. I am so thankful that my mom is often able to come and help out. As I was discussing my new job with my mom last week, I explained how I’ve finally accepted my calling.

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Class Dojo: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
posted by: Alana | October 03, 2016, 02:58 pm   


Since the dawn of the industrial age, teachers of all grades and subjects have been using technology to reimagine the classroom and communicate with students on whole new levels.


Some of these ideas have been quickly embraced as revolutions in education, others have fallen flat on their face, and even more have had mixed reviews.


Take the idea of ClassDojo for example.


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