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Weekly News Round-Up for June 9th
posted by: Melissa | June 09, 2017, 01:23 pm   

Again this week, we’re bringing to our members the education news that got our attention. While there are a lot of stories about schools and teachers each week, these are the ones that we think you need to know about!

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Long vs. Short Literature: What’s Best for Teaching Language Arts?
posted by: Melissa | June 08, 2017, 01:42 pm   

There’s an interesting debate going on in the education community right now. Increasingly, reading and English teachers are disagreeing over whether they should focus on short-form literature like short stories, one-act plays, etc., or whether they should focus on teaching through long-form literature like novels.

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Top Teacher Discounts for Summer
posted by: Melissa | June 07, 2017, 07:38 am   

School’s out for summer, and what’s a teacher to do? Hopefully, this will be a season of relaxation and reinvigoration for educators across the nation. All those projects and all the travel can get a bit costly on a teacher’s budget though, so here are some discounts that will help you make the most of the summer months:

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Weekly News Round-Up for June 2nd
posted by: Melissa | June 02, 2017, 12:15 pm   

This week, we begin a new tradition. We always aim to keep our members informed of what’s happening in education, and to help us do that, we’re going to share the top education stories of the week.

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Five Things You’re Likely to See in Tomorrow’s Schools
posted by: Melissa | June 01, 2017, 03:35 pm   

Nearly everyone alive in the U.S. is familiar with the schools of the past. The school building surge of the 50’s and 60’s dotted the country with a plethora of squat, square buildings. Inside, wide corridors are framed by square classrooms filled with rows of desks and a whiteboard at the front. These schools were created with factory-model schooling in mind, and were designed to maximize the impact of a single room with one teacher and 25 students. However, schools are likely to change radically over the next 25 years.

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