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Weekly News Round-Up for June 23rd
posted by: Melissa | June 23, 2017, 01:14 pm   

Each week, AAE brings its members a round-up of what’s happening in education. From big, eye-catching headlines to the stories most papers overlook, AAE finds what’s important for our members to know about. This week, we have changes in leadership in NYC and South Carolina, Vermont education spending, and new federal direction in CTE and education department investigations. 

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Taking Care of Yourself: Resources to Help with Teacher Self-Care
posted by: Melissa | June 22, 2017, 01:26 pm   

More than many other occupations, education is missional in nature. Educators are well aware that how well a child is educated will drive their success later on in life and popular culture often heightens this with movies and books that focus on how a single, passionate educator can “save” a child from the dismal life that awaits them. Schools, too, often suffering from low budgets and lack of staff encourage educators to take on extra duties and go the extra mile. While none of this is bad in and of itself, it creates a situation where educators feel as if they must always do more and try harder, making it easy to lose themselves in the mission.

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Weekly News Round-Up for June 16th
posted by: Melissa | June 16, 2017, 10:06 am   

We’re bringing to our members the education news that got our attention again this week. While there are a lot of stories about schools and teachers each week, these are the ones that we think you need to know about. This week, we have apprenticeships, the Broad Prize, testing and pension changes, and Dr. Dre.

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Why Rigorous Literacy Instruction is Essential for Lifelong Learning
posted by: Melissa | June 15, 2017, 12:12 pm   

By Eileen Murphy Buckley

This post was originally published on Getting Smart on June 4, 2017.

For my entire career as a teacher, I tried to instill a love of lifelong learning in my students. I wanted them to enjoy all the benefits and pleasures of an intellectual life long after they had left school. I considered it an essential goal of my work, not just an ideal. Today, the term “lifelong learning” has taken on an entirely new meaning to me–now it’s clear that it is an absolute imperative for economic success.

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Top 5 Must-See Things at National Charter School Conference 2017!
posted by: Melissa | June 13, 2017, 08:20 am   

Teachers, administrators, and others in the education world are gathering in Washington D.C. this week for the annual National Charter School Conference, which bills itself as the best learning and networking event for charter school educators, leaders, and advocates, so of course we’re there, too.

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