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Reform Matters: April 1st, 2016
posted by: Alana | April 01, 2016, 03:46 PM   

Can't Miss: AAE's 2016 National Member Survey

Earlier this month, the Association of American Educators (AAE) released its 2016 National Membership Survey covering the nation's most pressing education issues. Survey results show forward thinking on education reforms, particularly with regard to school choice, virtual education and technology, teacher preparation, testing and assessments, and workforce policy.


Click here to read, print, and share the full results of the 2016 AAE membership survey.



 AAE in the News: How Do Teachers Pick Schools for Their Own Kids?

"...AAE is a professional service organization for teachers, and an alternative to unions. Its members tend to be more supportive of school choice, with 38 percent saying they personally benefit from it and 79 percent saying they back charter schools - stronger support than Education Next found among teachers in its most recent poll..." Click here to read more.



Teachers Speak Out: AAE Member Testifies in Support of New Jersey Charter Schools


"...As an educator, teaching at a charter school provides me with the ability to cultivate learning in a way that is meaningful to my students, with a curriculum and mission I believe in, while helping me realize my lifelong dream: to make a difference in my city and help every child believe in their ability to SOAR. As a public charter school teacher, I have the ability to work with administration to develop programming that is conducive to the learning of my students, and will help scaffold instruction for struggling learners, while also working to develop the skills and knowledge of my higher achievers..." Click here to read more.



Teacher Topics & Opportunities

The Teacher Hazing Ritual, The Fordham Institute, 3/29/16

Should Teachers Join Twitter?, Education Week, 3/22/16

This EdTech Conference Puts Teachers Before Tablets, Forbes, 3/22/16

Our friends at the American Federation for Children (AFC) will hold their seventh annual National Policy Summit on Monday, May 16, 2016 and Tuesday, May 17, 2016 at the Gaylord National Resort (just outside Washington, DC). AAE will be in attendance!  The Summit brings together policymakers, advocates, business and media figures to celebrate school choice successes and discuss challenges. 
Click here
for more information.


Charter Schools, Choice, & Reform Advocacy

The Friedrichs Case: Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association: Down but Not Out, Watchdog, 3/31/16
Don't miss AAE's statement and blog on the future fight for teacher freedom of choice.

Commentary: The Question of Whether Unions Can Supersede Employees' First Amendment Rights Goes Unresolved, National Review, 3/29/16

Yes, Rural Areas Can Benefit from Charter Schools, Too, Education Post, 3/29/16


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