May 8, 2023
Contact: Christina Mazzanti

AAE Celebrates Teacher Appreciation Week 2023

Mission Viejo, CA – The Association of American Educators (AAE), a national, non-union, professional association serving educators in all fifty states, celebrates Teacher Appreciation Week May 8 – 12, 2023. This week as students, parents, administrators, and education community leaders salute educators with festivities, gifts, and acknowledgments for their hard work and educational successes, it is also a time of reflection for teachers. AAE recognizes that Teacher Appreciation Week is also a time when educators reflect upon and show their appreciation for their extraordinary colleagues. Professionalism, mentorship, and a shared commitment to advocating for and providing the best education possible for all learners are why AAE supports this annual effort.


“Regardless of the school type or location, providing a world-class learning environment for all students takes a team of dedicated educators who are lifelong learners and advocates for their fellow educators and their students,” said AAE’s executive director Colin Sharkey. “We are honored to serve America’s educators and support their professionalism during Teacher Appreciation Week and always.”


Throughout Teacher Appreciation Week, AAE staff will be acknowledging educators’ and school staff efforts with a special national “Appreciate a Colleague” video contest on social media, celebrations at schools including visits, gifts of appreciation, treats, hosted meals, and personal expressions of thanks for everything they do for students.

The Association of American Educators (AAE) is the largest national, nonunion, professional educator organization, advancing the profession by offering a modern approach to educator empowerment and advocacy—promoting professionalism, collaboration, and excellence without a partisan agenda. AAE is committed to a teaching profession that is student oriented, well respected, and personally fulfilling. AAE serves members in all fifty states and welcomes professionals from all education entities. Membership includes $2 million professional liability insurance, employment rights coverage, professional resources, and many other benefits. Classroom teachers, paraprofessionals, administrators, student teachers, university professors, and supporters can learn more at

