April 3, 2024
Contact: Christina Mazzanti

Association of American Educators Accepting Nominations
for Darrell and Suzanne Holmquist Student
Teacher of the Year Award

Mission Viejo, CA – The Association of American Educators (AAE), a national non-union, professional association serving educators in all fifty states, is pleased to announce it is now accepting nominations for the Darrell and Suzanne Holmquist Student Teacher of the Year Award for 2024. This national award, recognizing excellence in student teaching, is made possible through a generous gift by long-time educator and AAE member Darrell Holmquist and his wife Suzanne.

The purpose of the award is to celebrate student teachers who excel in this critical phase of education training. It especially acknowledges the many enlightening experiences and opportunities for professional growth student teachers encounter as they apply their years of coursework, preparation, and theoretical knowledge in a classroom setting for the first time.

“Championing professionalism begins with supporting preservice educators as they enter the classroom. This annual award aligns with that mission and the Association of American Educators’ focus on a robust educator pipeline,” said AAE’s executive director Colin Sharkey. Darrell Holmquist, whose generosity made this award possible, added, “In my college days, many helping hands and broad shoulders helped prepare me to become a successful teacher. It’s our turn to reward and aid today’s young people who will educate students of the latest generation.”

The Darrell and Suzanne Holmquist Student Teacher of the Year Award includes $250 toward setting up a new classroom and a one-year professional membership in AAE. The competition is open to all education students who have completed their student teaching in the 2023-2024 school year and are entering the classroom for the first time in fall 2024. All educators are encouraged to nominate potential awardees. Student teacher nominations are being accepted online. For further information and questions regarding the program, email

The Association of American Educators (AAE) is the largest national, nonunion, professional educator organization, advancing the profession by offering a modern approach to educator empowerment and advocacy—promoting professionalism, collaboration, and excellence without a partisan agenda. AAE is committed to a teaching profession that is student oriented, well respected, and personally fulfilling. AAE serves members in all fifty states and welcomes professionals from all education entities. Membership includes $2 million professional liability insurance, employment rights coverage, professional resources, and many other benefits. Classroom teachers, paraprofessionals, administrators, student teachers, university professors, and supporters can learn more at

