May 12, 2024
Contact: Christina Mazzanti

Association of American Educators Celebrates
National Charter Schools Week 2024

Mission Viejo, CA – The Association of American Educators (AAE), a national, non-union, professional association serving educators in all fifty states, celebrates National Charter Schools Week May 12-18, 2024. AAE recognizes the important role America’s 8,000 public charter schools have in providing a high quality education to 4 million students, and we applaud the 251,000 dedicated educators who serve those students. Charter schools are an established, integral part of a thriving, innovative public education system.

AAE staff members are excited to participate in recognition events and celebrations throughout National Charter Schools Week. Hosted breakfasts, lunches, and schoolwide festivities will be opportunities to recognize school leaders and educators for their special achievements and milestones during the school year.

“As charter schools see steady growth and enjoy increasing public support, AAE continues to be a leader in championing the professionalism of charter school educators and advancing the mission of charter schools,” said AAE Executive Director Colin Sharkey. “When families and educators have options in seeking the best school environment for their needs, everyone in the community benefits. We are honored to participate in raising awareness and celebrating the growing successes of our nation’s public charter schools.”

The Association of American Educators (AAE) is the largest national, nonunion, professional educator organization, advancing the profession by offering a modern approach to educator empowerment and advocacy—promoting professionalism, collaboration, and excellence without a partisan agenda. AAE is committed to a teaching profession that is student oriented, well respected, and personally fulfilling. AAE serves members in all fifty states and welcomes professionals from all education entities. Membership includes $2 million professional liability insurance, employment rights coverage, professional resources, and many other benefits. Classroom teachers, paraprofessionals, administrators, student teachers, university professors, and supporters can learn more at

