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Politicians Targeting Teachers Unions in Budget Crunch
posted by: Colin | June 07, 2010, 01:31 PM   

Politico reports that Republican and some Democratic politicians have turned on public workers and their labor unions—particularly teachers unions, including the NEA and the AFT. According to Politico, "public employee unions [are] emerging as an intransigent public enemy number one in cities and state capitals across the country."

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is in (many would say "is winning") probably the most publicized battle with the teachers unions, but he is not alone.

(Read more AAE Blog coverage on New Jersey)

Governors in Indiana, New York, California, Illinois, and Minnesota, as well as mayors across the country are challenging the benefits of public employees throughout the country—although some are more vocal about it than others, Politico notes.

While few would argue that the average teacher is swimming in salary and benefits, teachers unions' calls for annual pay raises are falling on deaf ears in state houses with empty coffers. Unions do have a friend in Washington, however, where President Obama and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan are pushing a $23 billion jobs stimulus bill designed to save between 100,000 and 300,000 teacher jobs in jeopardy, or between 1.6% to 4.8% of the teacher work force.

(Read more AAE Blog coverage on Proposed $23 Billion for Teachers)

Time will tell if the teachers unions will survive this scrape intact.

(Read AAE's newest publication: "Powerful Failure: How the National Education Association fails to use its influence for education")

What is the situation in your state?
Are teachers unions serving the best interest of the teachers and students?

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Comments (1)Add Comment
written by Donna Lee, via Facebook, June 09, 2010

unfortunately, all we teachers will be lumped with the union and hurt in the long run. Then good teachers will leave the field b/c they have no money or benefits and the union will maybe dry up. But at what cost to the kids?

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