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Start Anew, Return to Where You Started
posted by: Jill | January 05, 2011, 04:37 PM   

Yet another reason that being a teacher is fantastic— there are technically two "New Years" in a calendar year. The first is the beginning of the school year and the second is, of course, in January (Yes, my listing of them is chronologically incorrect, but in education the "beginning of the year" is the first day of school.)

Since January is traditionally when goals are set for the year, it is a great time to revisit classroom management. It's a great time to stop what isn't working and to try something new. It's a great time to improve. I do suggest that you follow these steps if you are going to change things up.

  1. Let the students know that you're trying something new.
  2. Show and tell students how things are changing (perhaps ask them to identify how the new is different from the old).
  3. Practice the new procedure with students.
I find that as long as I inform students of change and tell them why change is occurring, they generally handle the switch quite well.

Here are some classroom management ideas that might just be something that you'd like to revisit with your students: homework collection, hand-raising, substitutes, substitute folders, bellwork, classroom interventions, seating arrangements. And if you search around on the links provided there are a good number of other classroom management topics which are addressed.

Many thanks to, Fred Jones, Love & Logic, and Education World.

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